Friday, April 25, 2008

blogging, i just don't do it

Look i know this is likely pretty obvious to the 3 people who might read it, what with the 3 month gap between posts and all, but i am struggling with this whole blogging idea.....

this is where the generation gap hits for me.

just writing that seems odd. i was the administrator to a computer network for about 6 years, i ran an irc network for several years. i have a laptop, 2 desktops, 2 iphones and 2 other ipods in the house. i have an AppleTV. i have built over 2 thousand computers myself, by hand, from the ground up. i remember using BBS. i used the first version of netscape. hell i paid for it! most people who would read a blog didn't even know there was a time browsers weren't free.....

but. i. just. don't. blog.

i have two blogs. but damn it it is a habit that i have just not been able to get into.

anyway, i bring all that up in order to post a single link.

this one.

that is the blog of my little brothers SO. and that post is about a car accident. my car accident.

....of which i sent pictures to her, so that she could blog it. cause i am just too damn lazy. i guess.

anyway, she does a nice job with it. and she saved me having to write it. that i could instead write about how i don't ever write.

seriously, that is all you really need to know about me...

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